Common Myths About Self Publishing Books

As an aspiring writer, you dream of getting your book published and finding it in different book stores. Self-publishing is an inspiring journey, where you can still have creative control over your book while working with professionals to get it published.

Self-published books have gained immense popularity in recent years. However, along with this, there also have been some widespread misconceptions. Read on to learn more about the myths so you know what to expect.

Here are 5 common myths about self-publishing books:

Self-Publishing is for Amateurs

Many writers such as Lisa Genova, James Redfield, Virginia Woolfe, and Ernest Hemmingway have risen to prominence by self-publishing. They are some of the bestsellers with the highest critical acclaim, still, they choose to self-publish their books. Although self-publishing london may be an avenue for people to test out the publishing process, it is not just for amateurs.

Self-Published Authors Make No Money from their Books

Whichever path you choose to publish your book, its success mostly depends on the storyline, writing style, and a solid marketing plan. This is why you can make money by choosing to self-publish your book if your subject matter is interesting and you have a great marketing strategy in place.

Moreover, the rise of the digital ecosystem when it comes to books is in favor of self-publishing. If your book is available online and you have good content, you can get the best results!

You Are in it Alone

Authors fear self-publishing because they think that they might have to shoulder all the responsibilities of publishing a book alone without any assistance. However, you can enlist the help of professionals who can guide you with editing, children’s book illustrations, book layout, and every other aspect of the book in a budget-friendly manner. Self-publishing isn’t about doing things alone, it’s about finding the right team that will support you.

If You Self-Publish, Your Chances of Landing a Book Deal are Slim
This is inaccurate because once you self-publish and if your book sells more than 1000 copies, then the chances of landing a book deal are still high. Moreover, traditional book publishers pay special attention to authors who have self-published when looking for new talent because they know that you already have an audience.

Hence, this myth about never being able to switch from self-publishing to traditional publishing is just that, and completely fictional.

Final Thoughts

Debunking these myths is essential because the misconceptions can deeply affect your writing career. Whenever you plan to publish your book, whichever path you take, it’s necessary to know what to expect. This will help you hire the best professionals who can help you out.

Self-Publishing Made Easier with Indie Publishing Group!

Get the help you need to publish your book with Indie Publishing Group!

We are not just book publishers, but your well-wishers. Our professionals will be involved with you throughout your publishing journey and cater to your publishing needs, including editing, book formatting, deciding layout, and more.

Want more information?

Call us at +1–548–688–8696 or write to us at to start your journey of self-publishing a book today!

